Guymon public water system has high levels of Nitrate in its water. DO NOT GIVE THE WATER TO INFANTS. Infants below the age of six months who drink water containing nitrate in excess of the MCL could become seriously ill and, if untreated, may die. Symptoms include shortness of breath and blue baby syndrome. Blue baby syndrome is indicated by blueness of the skin. Symptoms in infants can develop rapidly, with health deteriorating over a period of days. If symptoms occur, seek medical attention immediately. Water, juice, and formula for children under six months of age should not be prepared with tap water. Bottled water or other water low in nitrates should be used for infants until further notice. Adults and children older than six months can drink tap water (nitrate is a concern for infants because they can’t process nitrate in the same way adults can). However, if you are pregnant or have specific health concerns, you may wish to consult your doctor. Boiling, freezing, filtering, or letting water stand does not reduce the nitrate level. Excessive boiling can make the nitrate more concentrated because nitrate remains behind when the water evaporates. A water sample collected on February 24, 2025 contained a nitrate level of 11 mg/L. This is above the nitrate standard or maximum contaminant level (MCL), of 10 mg/L. The elevated nitrate level was detected at a pump station receiving water from multiple wells. These individual wells have been sampled for nitrate to determine the source. When we have laboratory results from this sampling, operations will be modified to reduce nitrate to safe levels in your drinking water. The International Pancake Day Parade has been CANCELLED because of the wind. Children's races will be decided by 9:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. Pacer & International races will definitely run.
All other events running as scheduled. Please stay tuned to, International Pancake Day on Facebook, and BS Tuesday morning for the latest.